Laser Hair Removal
This method is a new way for men and women to remove unwanted hair. The laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light that can disable the hair follicles in the active growth stage. The light directs the energy to the hair root while protecting and cooling the surrounding skin. Most body areas can be treated with this state-of-the-art technology. Prices quoted during required consultation.

Home / Laser Hair Removal
​The GentleLase 755nm alexandrite laser is the premier hair removal laser on the market today. It is Candela's top of the line hair removal laser, treating quickly, comfortably and effectively. Because the light is absorbed by melanin, the hair is damaged while the skin is not.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Improved Self-Confidence - Laser hair removal can help you feel and look your very best, no longer questioning how you look when you show off a bit of skin.
Look Great - Hair removal by laser can help you be free to enjoy smooth and sexy skin all the time. No more uncomfortable in between and grow-in stages.
Save Money - Laser for permanent hair reduction may seem expensive, but over time you will really be saving the dollars. In the long run, laser hair removal costs less than continued waxing, electrolysis and other hair removal methods.
Save Time - Free up your time with professional laser hair removal. Eliminate the daily or monthly hair removal routine, no longer having to think about missing your lunch hour to wax, or get electrolysis again.
Wake up each morning and just go!
Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, and bikini line as well as other areas where unsightly hair is a problem.
Precision - Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
Speed - Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.
Predictability - Ninety percent of patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to five sessions.
Body Area & Individual
Abs Full (Ribs – Bikini)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Abs Lower (Navel-Bikini)
Individual - $195.00 per treatment
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Arms Full (includes Hands)
Individual - $275.00 per treatment
Arms Lower (includes Hands)
Individual - $165.00 per treatment
Arms Upper (includes Shoulder)
Individual - $165.00 per treatment
Back Full
Individual - $385.00 per treatment
Back Half
Individual - $193.00 per treatment
Bikini Full (Brazilian)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Bikini Middle (Some Hair)
Individual - $165.00 per treatment
Bikini Partial
Individual - $121.00 per treatment
Bikini Men Full
Individual - $275 per treatment
Bikini Men Partial
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Individual - $83.00 per treatment
Chest & Abs (Total Front Body)
Individual - $385.00 per treatment
Chest Men’s
Individual - $385.00 per treatment
Chest Women’s
Individual - $138.00 per treatment
Individual - $83.00 per treatment​​
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Full Face (3+ Areas)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
​Full Face (3+ Areas)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Feet & Toes
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Hands & Fingers
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Legs Full (Thighs, Knees, Calves & Feet)
Individual - $385.00 per treatment
Legs Lower (includes Knees & Feet)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Legs Upper (includes Knees)
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Leg Entire (Full Leg + Buttocks)
Individual - $495.00 per treatment
Individual - $83.00 per treatment
Individual - $55.00 per treatment
Neck Back
Individual - $110.00 per treatment
Neck Front
Individual - $110.00 per treatment
Scalp (Male Head)
Individual - $275.00 per treatment
Individual - $83.00 per treatment
Individual - $220.00 per treatment
Individual - $121.00 per treatment
Individual - $28.00 per treatment
Series of 6 treatments are required, treatments are done every 4- 6 weeks.
Payment is due at each Laser Hair Removal Session.
After the 6th treatment, ½ off the stated above price.